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RockProfiles Bogner Shiva

Kemper profiles of a Bogner Shiva. Featuring two highly evolved channels, capable of clean tones that shimmer like icicles and tube saturation that is so rich and powerful it should be illegal in the free world. The Shiva is a masterful study of refined elegance, providing the synergy of one's heart and hands.

This package comes with  26 merged profiles: Clean, Crunch, High Gain and Lead with up to 4 different cabinet combinations. Some presets may have a little amount of post Eq and ready to go effects.

Lead 30 - Siva - Bog
Lead LB - Siva - Bog
High Gain GB - Siva - Bog
Crunch 20 - Siva - Bog
Clean 30 - Siva - Bog

20 - Cele speaker Heritage 20 Watts / 30 - Cele speaker Vintage 30 / 75 - Cele speaker G12M75

GB - Cele speaker "GreenBack" / LB - Cele speaker "George Lynch" signature

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