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Dirty - Fried

Kemper profiles of a Friedman Dirty Shirley. This amp is based on a modified JTM 45 but still delivers the signature high gain tone for which Friedman is best known. The Dirty Shirley is a 40-watt, single channel amp that will give you that vintage crunch and also cleans up nicely by merely backing off the guitar’s volume knob. Extremely versatile, it is capable of producing many styles of music from blues to rock and country by just adjusting the gain and master controls.
This package comes with 26 merged profiles: Clean, Crunch, High Gain and Lead with up to 4 different cabinet combinations. Some presets may have a little amount of post Eq and ready to go effects.
Lead - GB - Dirty - Fried
00:00Lead - 30 - Dirty - Fried
00:00High Gain - 75 - Dirty - Fried
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